
Core Power Yoga

 Is not surprising that core power yoga has become very popular with many people as it focuses on the core region of the body, the abdominal muscles in particular that not only assist in posture but also look great when you're walking down the beach. It is actually a fairly intense form of yoga for many people as it is performed more vigorously than other forms of yoga and in a heated environment. Many people can find this form of yoga stressful in itself and realistically you should have a reasonable level of fitness before you get involved in core power yoga. People who perform core power yoga on a regular basis find the combination of strength and flexibility that it offers helps to raise their fitness level beyond that which they could achieve using other forms of exercise and all the while helping to reduce the levels of stress. It also helps many people to become more focused in everything they do in their life as this is one of the aspects of core power yoga that the trainin...

Concentration in Yoga

 One thing that is taught in yoga is how concentration can assist in relaxation by preventing your mind from wandering to subjects and matters that have been affecting you throughout the day. By concentrating on focusing your thoughts and actions on your breathing you can dispel these outside influences that are constantly there and cause an increase in your levels of stress. Many people don't understand how concentration can bring about a state of total relaxation. It is not forced concentration it is relaxed concentration where thoughts are brought back all the time to a clear mind where worries and concerns are cast aside giving your mind time to relax and recuperate. With practice less and less concentration is required to bring about this relaxed state and the mind becomes more and more relaxed in those times when you are not performing yoga and that is the state that it should naturally be in. The various different yoga techniques and teachers apply their methods to assist an...

Can Yoga Stimulate Hair Growth

 This might come as a surprise to you that there have been many cases that have been documented where people who have taken up Yoga have found that has stimulated their hair growth. This is not quite as silly as it may seem because many of the products on the market these days that are designed to stimulate hair growth do so by increasing the blood supply to the scalp. And what do you think would be the best method of getting the blood supply to the scalp? How about standing on your head? One exercise it is commonly used by people performing Yoga is the inverted position where their legs are in the air with his head resting on the ground. When this position is performed there is an additional blood supply to the head and people have found that this has actually stimulated the hair growth. There is documented evidence to support these results and some people have actually shown that they have had better results from simply performing these particular poses in Yoga on a regular basis...

Can Yoga Help Asthma

 Simply lifting a person's level of fitness can help to reduce the number of asthma attacks for many people. Yoga is one of the best methods to help people to learn and implement better breathing habits and this is something that can help those who suffer from asthma considerably. There are various different reasons why people get affected by asthma and for a lot of them it is brought on during times of stress. Yoga has proven to be one of the best ways of reducing and eliminating stress from people's lives and that alone can often be all that is needed to ensure that a person no longer needs to suffer from asthma attacks. Anxiety is often a precursor to an asthma attack and once again yoga has been proven to reduce anxiety attacks in most people. By simply learning and applying the breathing techniques that are taught in yoga a person can control situations that would normally have set off a reaction. Any time that the asthma can be controlled without the use of medication in ...

Breathing and Relaxation

 One of the benefits that most people find when they begin doing yoga is they learn to breathe correctly in a manner that can bring about a calmness and total relaxation almost instantly. The more yoga you do, provided you are getting good instruction, the better you will become at this and it will help you to remain calm in situations where you would have previously felt stressed. Public speaking is one of the greatest fears that most people have and many public speaking courses combine relaxation methods into their training as this helps to eliminate or at least control the fear that can overcome people when expected to speak in front of strangers. It has been noted that those people who perform yoga exercises on a regular basis are a lot calmer and can control the situation better than those who have not used any form of relaxation or stress relieving techniques. By remaining calm and in control the fear of speaking will generally subside and the reality of the situation will be...

Breaking the Cycle of Addiction

 Most people have some form of addiction whether we like to admit it or not. For the most part we have a reasonable level of control over our addictions but they can be as minor as wanting to eat a little more chocolate than is healthy or they can be such as to create other problems in our life. It is difficult to eliminate addictions as many times it is due to something that has happened in the past and some people can't even pinpoint what it might be that has caused the addiction. Yoga helps to peel back the layers of time that have made us what we are and in that process we can begin to see the reasons why we have certain addictions. People who are aware that they have an addiction often try to repress it but this is not the way to solve the problem. This is not the way to get to the root cause of the problem and if that isn't done and the problem isn't addressed then it won't be possible to release that problem from their life and have the freedom to move on. Yoga i...

Back Pain and Yoga

< One of the most common complains that people seek help from their medical practitioner is for back pain.The majority of the people in America have suffered from back pain at some stage in their life.>It is also a fact that over 80% of the people who have sought help for their back pain from their doctor have no actual disorder and are rather incapacitated with their back problems simply because of a lack of suitable exercise and the corresponding pain that comes with a lack of muscle tone and the support that the muscles offer for the back.In addition many of these people also suffer from tension in the muscles in the area where the pain is present.Obviously then, a course of yoga exercises will do wonders for their condition and if maintained regularly yoga will reduce the need for medical assistance considerably.Now there needs to be a word of warning here that you should always see your doctor initially to ensure that  Yoga also helps to strengthen the core muscles of t...